Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Turning the Tables on Success

In today’s workplace, what goes around comes around faster, sinking takers and propelling givers to the top.


Monday, April 29, 2013

Being Awesome...

How to Write a Sales E-mail via Inc. Magazine

First time e-mails to potential customers must be
short and make it easy to move to the next step.
Read the Inc. Story Here Click Here!


9 Negotiation Tactics From Famous CEOs - CEO.com

9 Negotiation Tactics From Famous CEOs
1. Make everyone else look lousy.
2. Channel your frustration into a well-meaning threat.
3. Play mind games with everyone.
4. Refuse to compromise.
5. Use prestige as one of your main assets.
6. Schmoozing pays off.
7. Leave lawyers and investors at the door.
8. If cooperation isn’t on the table, overthrow the whole thing.
9. Remember you have something they want.
See the full CEO.com story: Complete Story!


Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Great Leaders Serve...

In The Heart Of A Leader... Great Leaders Serve.
Hunger for wisdom
Expect the best
Accept responsibility
Respond with courage, &
Think of others first
- By Mark Miller
Check out greatleadersserve.org and explore!
Truly life changing!